Spring Marches On…

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Details of this program
This program looks at more seasonal changes and happenings in the countryside, and down on the farm, as we approach the end of March and pass the spring equinox.

  • Calving – We finally manage to capture some cows calving on film – full graphic details so beware! We show how soon a newborn calf is up and suckling it’s mother’s milk and also how the farmer’s jobs and responsibilities for this calf start from day 1
  • Sowing and harvesting – Whilst farmers are busy sowing crops such as peas and wheat in the fields, growers are already harvesting some of the crops like cucumbers, which are grown under glass.
  • Birds Courting – Wildlife is now bounding into spring with frogs and toads mating and producing spawn, birds are already courting to find mates and produce eggs. Also a timely reminder about dogs and the ‘Countryside Code’ during this important time for both wildlife and newborn calves and lambs

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