It continues to single out peat as an individual sector regulation where all rest is aspirational . I wonder what we as an industry have done to attract such persecution by Government . I can understand NGO positions but surely Government is supposed to be balanced . I wonder if we have failed to communicate that they are exporting our businesses , whilst at same time risking severe damage to gardeners if municipal green waste contains lawn cuttings and is used in reduced peat composts . Perhaps now CRD reports to Health and Safety , the Defra staff have not read the warning recently placed on garden weedkiller products . My Local Council certainly have not from information sent to me on recycling last week .
It is amazing that there is a there are great chunks on schoolchildren visiting the countryside when in answer to a Parliamentary Question last December, the same Minister said withdrawal of educational access funding for HLS environmental schemes must take place immediately to help the national monetary crisis . Perhaps we should be grateful that U turns are now normal .
Otherwise some good stuff